Monday, July 14, 2008

Changes in Communication

Our first assignment for BIT 541 - Electronic Commerce, was to give a 10 minute presentation on how technology has changed communication.

One obvious change can be seen in the social networking boom. Don't forget, social networking/media is not for consumers only. Many business are starting to tap into the 'groundswell'.

For my presentation, I focused more on how I have used social technology to promote myself.

A simple Google search for "Eric Charnesky" reveals a lot about me.

Thanks to LinkedIn, I have an online resume and a professional contact network.

Since you are reading this, I am hoping that finding my blog was no big surprise.

Thanks to the Walled Lake Consolidated School District, Oakland Community College, and Walsh College, my academic success that I tout on LinkedIn is easily verified via Google.

Thanks to my unique name, I am the only Eric Charnesky on Google! While I can't control all of the results Google has for me, I did intentionally put myself out there via Blogger and LinkedIn.

If I meet with someone, all I have to do is give out a business card with my name and blog address on it and anyone curious enough to find out more about me is free to Google away.

I wrapped up my self promotion with a mention of - a great way to keep up with the 'popular' websites of the day.

Overall, I might not have hit the topic mark dead on, but I think it was a good presentation.

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